W E L C O M E! "I never could understand egg salad. I mean, what's it made of? Eggs and mayonnaise. What's mayonnaise made of? Eggs! So why bother?" From the moment Betty Roberts walks through the door at a small radio station in Pittsburgh, anticipating her new job—and her next meal—food references abound in the Remember WENN world. From the enigmatic Tomato Surprise to the intrusive brisket of beef to "Supper With Hilary Booth," a virtual smorgasbord awaits. So what could a 1930s cook do with that brisket of beef, what are the ingredients in Welsh rarebit (also known as Welsh rabbit, and neither Welsh nor a meat dish), and what was Rudolph Valentino's favorite meal? This web page hereby presents to you the foods of WENN, from egg salad to corned beef hash. Scattered throughout are also typical 1930s-1940s meals gleaned from our collection of period cookbooks (modern recipes are included only if we cannot find a comparable era version) and, because had the series continued, war rationing would have been addressed, typical meal suggestions from World War II gleaned from a period cookbook are also included. These latter will be designated as "Victory Foods" in keeping with the time. Oh, yeah, and we've created our very own "Tomato Surprise" for you. Also visit "The 1930s Kitchen" and our links. Bon appetit! ~~~~~~~ All our best, Linda and James
¤ 1930s General Electric stove ad ¤ Lisa's Nostalgia Café the 1930s (see Lifestyles) ¤ Lisa's Nostalgia Café the 1940s (see Lifestyles) ¤ 1932 and ¤ 1942 prices, Morris County, NJ which includes foods, drinks, and kitchen supplies ¤ Recipes from Vintage Cookbooks Here's a clip I found online: "I was doing some work in my attic the other day and I came across an old newspaper from Chicago. It is dated, Thursday, April 8, 1943 and is the Chicago Daily Tribune, The Worlds Greatest Newspaper. Appetite whetted? :-) Here's more on rationing: ¤ Photos of rationing book and stamps ¤ Vintage rationing article, from the Larchmont Gazette Victor and Jeff may have eaten some of these items: ¤ Frugal Recipes from Wartime Britain Input for this site was provided by James and Linda Young. |